Monday, May 31, 2010

Sample Opinion Paragraph

Sample Paragraph                                                            Name, Number
Writing I                                                                        Date

Saving Resources
         We should save resources by taking shorter baths, separating rubbish, and using eco-bags. I think if we take shorter baths, we will be able to save a lot of water. Water is so important for everyone, so we should conserve whenever we can. Some families reuse their bath water in the washing  machine. That’s a great idea. We can also help save the planet by separating our garbage. This is a good way to recycle materials. If we do this, we can keep our environment cleaner. We should recycle almost everything we use. We should challenge ourselves to do this. Finally, we should never accept extra packaging in the stores. We should always have our eco-bag ready. When the shop assistant starts to package everything in one or two or three ways, we can hole up our eco-bag and say, “This is enough. Thank you. “ I think Japan should ban plastic bags entirely. We must work very hard to live on this earth in an ecologically friendly way. It’s our responsibility.

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