Monday, May 31, 2010

Sample Description Paragraph

Sample Paragraph
Writing I                                                            Name

My favorite place
     My room is my favorite place on earth because it is light, and it is a place of comfort and quiet. My bedroom is a place where I can rest. When I get home from school, I am tired, and I need a place to be quiet. My room is that retreat. Next, my room is also the best place to read. There are windows near my bed. It is light and sunny, and I enjoy reading in that atmosphere.  In my room I can also call my friends, watch TV and DVD’s. In this way I can communicate as well as rest. My bed is next to the dresser, so it is easy to talk there. The TV/DVD player is across from the bed. There are video games between the TV and the dresser, and on the video player.  so it is easy to watch TV and play DVD’s. In conclusion my room is a comfortable and welcoming place. It fills me with warm emotion.

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